Frank van Eykelen

DevOps Engineer

55 years old, husband, father, beekeeper, music lover, developer and DevOps Engineer working with C#, Azure and the latest web technologies.

About Me

Frank van Eykelen, 55 years old, born and raised in Alkmaar, Netherlands. Highly motivated creative developer with more than 27 years experience in making accessible user friendly websites.

I work for Reed Business Information in Amsterdam, where I'm in a Scrum team working on Nextens, which offers online cloud software for tax submission and tax returns, as well as an extensive tax knowledge base.

I deploy websites to Microsoft Azure from TFS written in Visual Studio 2015 using ASP.Net, MVC, Razor, C#, SQL, Linq, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, jQuery & Bootstrap, Azure Blob / Table / Queue Storage, advanced routing / rewriting and caching and NuGet.

I recently started blogging on

My stackoverflow reputation as of 2020-04-12 is 1767 (top 21% overall).

I am fluent in Regular Expressions, HTML, CSS, C#, VB, MVC, Razor, XML (including schemas and namespaces), XSLT (including really advanced stuff), JSON, REST API, CSS, SASS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap and English.

Stuff I've recently started working with: PowerShell, Solr, knockout.js, unit tests, LESS and DotLiquid.

Note to recruiters: I've recently joined RBI & I'm really happy there. Just because I'm updating my resume site doesn't mean I'm looking for another job!


Art, photography, archaeology, history, financial institutions, economics, collecting, vinyl, records, music, festivals, beekeeping, nonfiction, literature, beer, diy, woodworking, kindle, android, chainsaws & lawnmowers.

Contact Details

  • Frank van Eykelen

What I'm Reading & Working On

I love doing research, trying out new stuff and making POCs.
Here's what I'm into at the moment.


Reading The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr & George Spafford

The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS)

I'm working on using Microsoft Cognitive Services and Azure Bot Service to create a bot that can answer the frequently asked questions for my wife asked by students and bloggers from around the world via e-mail and social media.


Reading Web App Testing Using Knockout.JS by Roberto Messora

Web App Testing Using Knockout.JS


I'm streamlining the Application Lifecycle Management at RBI - reading Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio ALM 2015 by Mathias Olausson & Jakob Ehn.

Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio ALM 2015

Better Code

I'm trying to write better code - reading Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Dutch Tax Domain

Because my wife is a self-employed entrepreneur (and artist) her accountant has done my tax for more than a decade, so I need to update my knowledge of the Dutch income tax pratice: reading IB Almanak - Actuele handleiding voor de aangifte Inkomstenbelasting en premieheffing

IB Almanak

My Resume

Die meisten verarbeiten den größten Teil der Zeit, um zu leben, und das Bißgen, das ihnen von Freiheit übrig bleibt, ängstigt sie so, daß sie alle Mittel aufsuchen, um’s los zu werden.

— Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Die Leiden des jungen Werther

A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.

— Albert Einstein: Theory of Happiness

My Education
1982 - 1994

1988 - 1994

My specialization was financial institutions. I remember having written a paper on the dangers of banks merging with insurance companies to create institutions that would become too big to fail, and on the problem of a having monetary union without a political union. I stranded two exams and a thesis away from degree.

1982 - 1988

VWO - RSG Noord Kennemerland - Alkmaar

Economics 1 & 2, Dutch, French, German, English, Math

Work Experience
1994 - Now

2019 - Now

Senior DevOps Engineer - Reed Business Information

2015 - 2019

Senior Developer - Reed Business Information

2004 - 2015

Senior Web Developer - Iconum

2000 - 2004

Senior Web Developer - Backstream

1996 - 2000

CD ROM & Web Developer - H&VE

1994 - 1996

Assistant Stylist - Van Til Interieur

Contact Me

Make me an offer I can't refuse!


Frank van Eykelen

Where I'm At: Heiloo, Netherlands